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Aside from 'general' yoga classes, please see below to learn more about areas in which I specialise and descriptions of sessions available.  For more information, please contact me directly.

01 ~ 1-2-1 or small groups     

02 ~ Mature Movers      

03 ~ Learning Disabilities, Special Needs including Sensory Impairment

04 ~ Chair Based Yoga

05 ~ Gentle Chair Yoga

06 ~ Course of 7 cohesive sessions - Foundations for Beginners and Improvers 


A dedicated practice appropriate to the health, physical ability and experience of each individual.  If you are living and working with an injury or condition, we can work with a more somatic and therapeutic approach to give your body the upmost care and consideration. 


Small Groups

If you are a group of friends, I can adjust a sequence to accommodate varying levels of experience and ability using modifications and props to enable a safe and enjoyable session for each practitioner.

N.B.: If you or a loved one have a special need, be it joint replacement, cerebral palsy, stroke recovery, arthritis, osteoporosis, mobility issues, Parkinsons Disease, Downs Syndrome or Rett Syndrome to name a few, 1-2-1 yoga can be just as wonderful as it is to anybody else without specific concerns.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you think yoga might be of benefit and would like to know more.  


Although we may feel physically strong and mobile, the progression into older age brings with it many physical changes that are not visible to the human eye.  I offer yoga for 'Mature Movers' (depending on how you feel in your body, this could be anything from over 50) simply to create an environment that is less daunting for those intimidated by the thought of walking into a studio filled with people who might be instructed to headstand.  These classes will be mindful, dynamic and challenging with an eye firmly placed on the transitions and quality of movement. 

I incorporate somatic and natural movement patterns to reduce pain in joints while in transition.  We will also pay attention to the body’s sense of balance and proprioception, considerably important when considering the impact of falls later in life.


In small groups or individually, classes will be safe, fun and enjoyable and tailored to suit the needs of the individual or group.  We will focus on breath, cross patterning movements, proprioception exercises through asana to develop body awareness improving co-ordination, balance and concentration.  These sessions will promote a deeper sense of connection with the body through unification of the breath, body and mind.  It may be necessary for a carer to be present.


Chair yoga is not unchallenging and these sessions may be taken for varied reasons. If you have pain or problems with joints in your lower limbs, chair yoga is a wonderful way to enjoy yoga without placing compression stress on inflamed or delicate joints.  We use the chair as a prop to reduce joint stress and enable a different expression of the asana.  We utilise it’s stability to aid transitions between standing, seated and floor poses where suitable.  For more severe mobility issues and/or medical conditions, I would recommend trying the gentle chair yoga sessions first as these may be sufficient and will be equally beneficial.


My gentle chair yoga sessions are primarily seated but with the option to use the chair as a prop for any standing postures, only if you should wish to stand.  None of the sequence will require a person to get up and down from the floor and so these sequences are perfect for those with limited mobility.  The sessions are somatic  in nature and will enable a deeper understanding of, and connection to, our physical, energetic and mental self.  Suitable for moderate to severe arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke recovery/rehabilitation or post surgery rehabilitation; please contact me for more information or to find out if this class might benefit you.

New(ish) to Yoga? - 7 week course - Foundations for Beginners and Improvers 

If you feel relatively new to yoga, and would like a deeper understanding, or if you’ve been curious about it but haven’t yet tried stepping onto a mat, I have a 7 session plan of workshop style classes designed to introduce you to some of the fundamental principles of yoga.  


Each of the workshops will involve a measured and mindful sequence incorporating specific objectives of each lesson plan, enabling you to embody the learning process through experiential understanding.  These sessions will enable you to attend general classes with confidence and enthusiasm while helping to increase your range of movement, flexibility, strength, balance and stamina both physically and mentally. 


You will be provided with a folder, and at each session, a worksheet that will form your own experiential mini introduction/guide to yoga. Please contact me for dates and more information.

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